Welcome to ABISSMAL

Automated Behavioral tracking by Integrating Sensors that Survey Movements Around a target Location

For full documentation visit our wiki

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 /_/    \_\____/_____|_____/_____/|_|  |_/_/    \_\______|


  • Setup Raspberry Pi by following these steps
  • Raspberry Pi 4 (2 or 4Gb)
  • Raspberry Pi SD card (32Gb or 64 Gb with Rasbian Buster pre-installed)
  • Python version: 3.7
  • Setup sensors and other hardware

Installing ABISSMAL

  1. cd ~/Desktop - Navigate to the Raspberry Pi's Desktop directory
  2. git clone https://github.com/lastralab/ABISSMAL.git - Clone the repository
  3. cd ABISSMAL - Access the project root directory
  4. sudo chmod +x *.sh - Make files executable
  5. sudo ./run_install.sh - Initiate the installation script, enter the following information:
    • Insert y/Y to install required packages if it's the first time using ABISSMAL, this can be skipped later on.
    • Enter your Twilio Account SID to enable SMS alerts or press "Enter" key to skip
    • Wait for it to restart
    • NOTE: If you are using SSH connection you will have to mount the external hard drive manually

Directory Structure

run_install.sh      # The installer script. This needs to run everytime you pull a new version of the repository
Main.sh             # The script that initiates the ABISSMAL tracking system
cron.sh             # This script is automatically used by ABISSMAL for data collection, system monitoring and error logging
    Backups.py      # Responsible for transfering data from the Pi to an external hard drive using cron
    monitor.py      # System monitoring
    IRBB.py         # Collects data from two pairs of infrared beam breakers
    RFID.py         # Collects data from the 125kHz CognIot radio frequency identification (RFID) reader
    Temp.py         # Collects data from the waterproof 1-wire DS18B20 temperature sensor
    Video.py        # Records videos by motion detection using a Raspberry Pi (H) infrared fisheye lens camera with infrared LEDs
    alt_video.py    # Responsible to record alternative videos for validation (can only run on a raspberry pi without the other modules enabled)
    ...             # General documentation for data processing and integration functions
    ...             # Holds 3D-printing designs for customized hardware in .stl format
    ...             # Optional scripts for video concatenation with ffmpeg