

Behavioral Assessment Software and Interactive Logging

Designed and developed for Research Applications at The Hobson Lab

User Guide

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Version 1.1 - Video Examples


Create admin & login


Behavior Mapping

Editing CSV Data

Release Notes

Version 1.1

  1. Images quality improvement
  2. Save and login admin credentials can be done in one click
  3. Added user guide link to the home screen
  4. Disabled 'Edit CSV Data' function until data exists
  5. Swift 6 compatibility
  6. The observer can go back to select a new parent behavior if tapped on the wrong one accidentally, without losing the timestamp or the individuals
  7. Transformed the 'Edit Data' alert window into a full page controller to get a wider view of the CSV data and the observer can edit the actor, target and behavior from a dropdown list, instead of typing

Data Samples